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Alexandra Primary School

Alexandra Primary School
Social Media - Minimum Ages


Alexandra Primary School is committed to promoting the safe and responsible use of the internet and as such we feel it is our responsibility to raise our growing concern of the increase in inappropriate use of WhatsApp, Snapchat and other social media sites.

As children get older, they are going to want to use these sites to communicate with their friends and family.  However, these sites all have age restrictions and none of the children at our school are currently old enough to be using any of them. By allowing their use, monitored or otherwise you are condoning their use and ignoring the law.  The age restrictions are important as children are clearly not mature enough to use these Apps for the purposes they were designed.

We understand that there is only so much control we have on what the children accessat home, but we urge you to be extra vigilant of your child’s use of social media. In order to maintain the safety of children at Alexandra, it is vitally important that we work together to raise awareness and understanding of the potential risks underage use of these sites could expose your child to.

Although we cannot supervise matters occurring out of school hours, which is parental responsibility, we will take action if a problem comes to our attention that involves the safety or wellbeing of any of our pupils, including reporting the use of inappropriate communication or images of young people to the police.



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