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Alexandra Primary School

Alexandra Primary School
Year 6’s Trip to Pizza Express


Year 6 were honoured to make their own pizzas at the one and only Pizza Express!

On the brilliant journey, we sat on the top deck of the 281. We were accompanied by Miss McCowan, Mr Gallery and Mrs Carey. One by one, we each took turns telling stories we had made up. From frightening to hilarious, I thought they were all amazing.

Twenty minutes of stories gone and it was our stop! Right before our eyes, there stood Pizza Express. To our interest it was closed just for us!     

Firstly, the Manageress gave us all dough that we had to straighten; we also got our own hats and aprons that had a special number on it. Next, we smoothed out a generous amount of tomato paste onto the dough. After that, we got to taste some mozzarella cheese that we broke and sprinkled onto the rest onto the dough and the tomato paste. We waited in anticipation as the manageress gave us the special number that we had to put onto our pizza to know which one was which. They matched our hats! The pizzas were then put into the 350° oven. It only took 5 minutes to make ten pizzas! What an interesting fact! Finally, our pizzas came out from the oven and we could enjoy our freshly made pizzas!

By: Sabrah 6KM


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