Mr John Norton - Head Teacher
Mr Udaya Shankar - Chair
Mrs Beth McLaughlin – Co-opted Governor
Mr Max Hughes – Staff Governor
Mr Geoff Parry – Co-opted Governor
Mrs Monuara Ullah - Co-opted Governor
Mrs Neeta Sharma - Parent Governor
Mr Ashok Chand - Co-opted Governor
Mrs Jo Bird - Associate Governor
Mrs Anagha Atre - Parent Governor
Mr Kamal Bal - Co-opted Governor
Mr Christopher Eastwood - Co-opted Governor
Total Governors = 12 Required = 12 The Quorum is 50% (6)
Clerk to the Governing Body : Kate Baum
The Full Governing Body will meet on: 22/11/2023, 13/03/2024 and 19/06/2024. Committee Meetings are arranged through the academic year.
Parents may contact Governors by writing a letter and sending it via the school.